Perthshire is dominated by the Tay, one of the principal salmon rivers in Europe. This vast river system rises on the watershed of Ben Lui, just outside the westernmost point of the county. On its 119 mile course to the sea, the Tay is fed by the major lochs of Rannoch, Tummel and Tay and joined by many tributaries including the rivers of Garry, Tilt, Tummel, Ericht, Isla, Lyon, Braan and Almond. Just above Perth, the Tay meets the first tidal influence and a few miles downstream in the upper reaches of the Firth of Tay it is joined by the River Earn which, originating in western Perthshire, drains the wide and fertile valley of Strathearn.
Situated just off the A822 ‘Sma Glen Road you can see fish jumping at nearby Buchanty where the river Almond flows through a gorge called Buchanty Spout . It is a great place to watch salmon ascending the falls.
Pitlochry Dam and Fish Ladder
Each year between April and October an average of 5,400 salmon fight their way upstream from Atlantic feeding grounds to spawn in the upper reaches of the River Tummel. They must by-pass the Hydro-Electric dam at Pitlochry by travelling through the interconnected pools that form the Pitlochry “fish ladder” up and around the dam. Three resting pools provide patches of slack water for a break in the struggle against the current.
The River Tay, situated right in the geographic centre of Scotland, is the largest river in Britain. Two of its branches, the Dochart and the Tummel rise only miles from the the heads of lochs Fyne and Etive on Scotland’s west coast and travel over 100 miles to empty into the North Sea at Dundee on Scotland’s east coast. The river and its many large tributaries drain an area of 3,000 square miles giving an average flow of about 200 cubic metres per second, the greatest flow of any river in the country. FishTay the definitive guide to fishing on the Tay.
All types of fishing are widely available and affordable in Perthshire including Salmon and Trout fishing on the River Tay and tributaries such as the Ericht, Isla, Garry, Tilt, Tummel, Lyon, Earn and Almond.
If you would like to go fishing while you are on holiday, here are some choices to consider.
Salmon and Tea Trout – the official season for salmon on the two main river systems in Perthshire are:
Tay River System : 15th January to 15th October
Earn River System : 1st February to 31st october
The main runs of salmon in the Tay and Earn occur during January to May and from late August to October, subject to water conditions, and there is a run of grilse during June and July.
Brown and Rainbow Trout – The statutory season for brown trout is from 15th March to 6th October, thought there may be restrictions on some waters within this period. Rainbow trout have no statutory close season but most fisheries generally operate within the April to September period. Generally for brown trout, late Spring-early Summer and september are the best times to fish.
Coarse Fish – There is no statutory close season for grayling or coarse fish in Scotland but as most species are spawning from late April to early June they are at thier best during the late Summer, Autumn and Winter months.
River Earn
Butterstone Loch Fishings , by Dunkeld. Fly fishing form trout on 120-acre loch. Tel: 01350 724238
Drummond Trout Farm and Fishery Feed the fish or have a go at fishing. Free tuition available. STB Four Star Attraction.
Drummond Estates Boat Hire – Explore Loch Earn with fishing/pleasure boats. Life jackets provided for a safe day on the water. Tel: 01567 830400
Frandy Fishery is a 250 acre upland reservoir in a secluded valley in Glendevon in the Ochils. Stocked with Rainbows, browns and Blues (all triploid). 15ft Club boats and 1.5 miles of bank fishing for hire.
Sandyknowes , Bridge of Earn, is “Troutmasters” fishery offering an 8 acre loch only 7 miles from Duncrub Holiday Homes. Tel. 01738 813033
Suppliers of fishing tackle
P.D. Malloch – Perth, Tel: 01738 632316
Hendry Ramsey & Wilcox Ltd – Perth, Tel: 01738 623679
These suppliers will help with advice on advance bookings for local beats and lochs.